Enquire now for Assessment Center Certification Program
Assessment Center Certification Program
This is a certification program, which allows individual to use the tools of BOOM ASSESSMENT (Behavioral Observation based on Organic Methodology) to run an independent ASSESSMENT CENTERThis is a certification program, which allows individual to use the tools of BOOM ASSESSMENT (Behavioral Observation based on Organic Methodology) to run an independent ASSESSMENT CENTER.
What we Learn
Assessment center is not a place as its name seems to suggest, nor is it a single process or method. Rather, an assessment center employs multiple assessment methods and exercises to evaluate a wide range of behaviors used to make a variety of employment decisions (e.g., employee selection, career development, promotion). Assessment centers can be used to assess small group(s) of people at relatively the same time.
The unique feature of BOOM is that it does not rely on people's perceptions or language based approach. It is completely activity-abased assessment. These activities help assesses to demonstrate behaviors in a natural non-threatened manner; and the scores are tabulated by the assesses. This will ensure the elimination of any judgmental error by the assessors.
Key Focus Areas of the program:
Role of an assessor and critical skills required being an assessor.
Creating a story-board and a conducive atmosphere to run an Assessment Center.
Understanding competency frameworks, mapping competencies and creating related behavioral indicators.
Mapping competencies to a talent development process.
Selecting tools and exercises for an assessment center based on assesses and organizational requirements.
Mastering observation skills, capturing evidence and behavior recording and preparing assessment reports.
Utilizing technology to address speed and scale requirements of an organization.
Providing counseling to assess post assessment reports are generated and mapping strengths for the competencies required.
Designed For
You develop an in-depth understanding of assessment center types, methodology, tools and techniques
You build capability for behavioral based assessments and evaluation
Develop capability in observing individual behaviors in simulated situation and translate to related competency required
To hone skills and knowledge required in running an assessment center professionally
Be a certified BOOM assessor and conduct assessment for organizations
It is a two-day workshop followed by a two practicum on a day of your choice when assessment is conducted. During this practicum you will have the opportunity to assess live participants of other company or institution. You will also learn to generate live reports.