Dr. T. Krishna Kumar
Dr. T. Krishna Kumar is currently a Guest Faculty at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Prior to this he held several faculty positions both in U.S.A. and India. He also held a senior consultant’s position in a private consulting firm for three years in U.S.A. He was a Visiting Professor at School of Management, Arizona State University-West, Phoenix, Director of Institute for Behavioral Research, Florida Atlantic University, Professor of Economics and Statistics at Florida State University, a Senior Scientist at Abt Associates, a leading Social Science Consulting firm in Cambridge-Boston area, and a Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, Boston. He was Professor and Head of Economic Analysis Unit at Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, Professor of Economics and Statistics at Indian Institute of Management. He was Professor of Economics at University of Hyderabad and Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He is a member of the Governing Body of CR Rao Advanced Institute for Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer science, Hyderabad. Dr. Kumar obtained graduate training in mathematical physics and statistics from Andhra University, Waltair and Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkotta respectively. He received his Ph.D degree in Economics from Iowa State University, USA. He is ranked among the top ten econometricians in India by the Indian Econometrics Society for his teaching, research, and consultancy in this specialized area. Based on his doctoral thesis “ Models of Optimization and Control in the Theory of Economic Policy”, he was awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowships by the University of Chicago and Center for Research in Management Science, University of California, Berkeley, California. Teaching/training and Consultancy ’s main expertise lies in teaching, training, and consultancy in the area of quantitative modeling for business decisions. He has been offering a popular elective course on the subject at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore for more than six years and offers training and research consultancy in this area to various other organizations. He undertook several research and consultancy projects for US and Indian government agencies. Research The major areas of Dr Kumar’s research are economics, statistics, econometrics, mathematical programming and game theory. He published more than 60 research papers and articles in refereed national and international journals, and presented papers in national and international conferences. He had authored 15 chapters in research monographs (Books), and 14 research and consultancy reports. He started the IIM B Management Review and the doctoral program at IIM-B. He served as a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Quantitative Economics. Selected Publications " Economic Models for Optimum Attrition Rate" (with Ashutosh Kulshreshtha), IIMB Management Review, Vol. 17, No. 2, June 2005, pp. 103-108. " Disclosure Norms for Intangible Assets: Suggestions for Improving the Valuation of Intangibles", IIMB Management Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 71-78. "Linear Liquidity Preference Function Admitting A Liquidity Trap With Application To India", (with Sushanta K. Mallick) in Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2001,pp.67-81. " Models of North-South Trade, Growth, and Development as Differential Game Problems, in L. Caccetta, K.L. Teo, P.F. Siew, Y.H. Leung, L.S. Jennings, and V. Rehbock (Editors) Optimization Techniques and Applications, Vol.1, pp204-209. (Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, July 1-3, 1998). "On the Probability of Existence of Pure Equilibria in Matrix Games" (with Srijit Mishra), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 37, No. , September 1997, pp. "Some Conceptual and Statistical Issues on Measurement of Poverty", (with Anil P Gore and V Sitaramam), Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 49, No.1, 1996,pp 53-71. "Management of Development in the Newly Emerging Global Economic Environment", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 31, No 235, June 22, 1996, pp.1598-1605. "Multicollinearity in Regression Analysis," Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.57, August 1975, pp. 365 366. "A Pearsonian Curve Fitting Algorithm", (with James H. Gapinski), Econometrica, Vol. 40, No.5, September 1972, p. 963. The Existence of an Optimal Economic Policy", Econometrica, Vol. 37, No. 4, October 1969, pp. 600 610.